
The archive holdings


Learn about the different record groups and the online guide to holdings.

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Record groups

The Political Archive holdings cover 26,000 linear metres (lm). The material is divided as follows into three main record groups:

Reference code
BFederal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany
1949/51 ff.13,000 lfm
MMinistry for Foreign Affairs of the GDR
1949-19903 000 lfm
RForeign Office of the German Reich
1870-19458 000 lfm

Other archival materials include:

  • international treaties
  • personnel records
  • personal papers
  • documentation on the construction of the Reichsbank building
  • collections

Search online in our guide to holdings

An overview of all archive holdings, including detailed information, can be found online in the Archives Portal Europe. You should not start working in the reading room until you have done your research at the guide to holdings. This overview does not provide concrete references, but allows you to

  1. place available sources in historical context,
  2. search only in promising record groups once you are in the reading room,
  3. find record groups with the same topic.

Please use the treeview on the left-hand side of the browser window to navigate between record groups.


Please read the introductory text (“scope and content”) on the homepage of our guide to holdings in the Archives Portal Europe. It explains how the guide is organised and gives important information about the record groups. The guide is also the basis for the research guidelines we offer for each of the three main holding groups. In these guidelines you will learn what happens in the reading room after your online research.

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