In den Akten, in der Welt. Ein Streifzug durch das Politische Archiv des Auswärtigen Amts [In the Files, in the World. A Tour of the Political Archive of the Federal Foreign Office]
The editors of this volume, Ludwig Biewer and Rainer Blasius, explore German history via its diplomats’ files, which range from Bismarck’s personnel file to the secret report on the two-plus-four debate in the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union.

Since the foundation of the Foreign Office by Otto von Bismarck diplomatic records have been stored in its archive. The archive includes material handcraftet drafts of uniforms designed by Wilhelm II, files about a monument for German diplomats in Peking from 1901, Stresemann’s telephone conversation with Mrs Adenauer in 1925, the activities of the emigrant Herbert Frahm (Willy Brandt) in Paris in 1937, and the refusal of an appeal against the deportation of 6,000 people to Auschwitz. The Political Archive preserves both types of information – apparently mundane notes, as well as documents that made history. This beautifully designed volume takes its readers on a journey through the files and the period when they were compiled - a very special book on German history.
144 pages with 30 four-colour illustrations, hard cover
ISBN 978-3-525-36739-1