Contact and opening hours
Opening hours
Monday - Thursday 8.30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.
Friday 8.30 a.m. - 3.00 p.m.
(only with prior permission)
The reading room of the Political Archive is open the whole year, apart from two weeks around Christmas and New Year’s, and a few, single days during the year (mostly the day between a holiday, if it’s a Tuesday or Thursday, and the weekend). Closure times are announced on our home page.
Pull times for records
1. At the archives’ computers in the reading room:
a) Orders before 10am: Delivery at 2pm on the same day
b) Orders before 2pm: Delivery at 8:30am on the next working day
c) Order after 2pm: Delivery at 2pm on the next working day
Please use the button „Bestellen“ in invenio.
2. At your own devices (in the reading room or elsewhere):
a) Preorders before 2pm on a working day: Earliest delivery at 8:30am
on the next working day or on the chosen day
b) Preorders after 2pm on a working day: Earliest delivery at 2pm
on the next working day
Please use the button „Vorbestellen“ in invenio.