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Die Außenpolitik der deutschen Länder im Kaiserreich: Geschichte, Akteure und archivische Überlieferung (1871-1918) [The Foreign Policy of the States in the German Empire: History, Players and Archive Records (1871–1918)]
Papers from the colloquium on 3 August 2010 marking the 90th anniversary of the foundation of the Political Archive of the Foreign Office.

Although Germany’s states were united as an empire in 1871, a special feature of the federal system allowed them to continue conducting their own foreign policy via legations. Using case studies the authors examine three aspects of this topic that has been hardly researched so far: the history of the states’ foreign policy and diplomacy, the organisation of the responsible foreign services, and the records hold in archives today.
184 pages with 35 illustrations, some in colour, hard cover
ISBN: 978-3-486-71637-5